July Class

July Class


As summer gets in full swing, we’ll turn our focus to our herbal friends, Garlic, Marshmallow, Lemon Balm.

We’ll take some of our past herbal knowledge and apply it in a new way by making infused oils. There are different ways of making these and keeping them from spoiling, which we’ll cover in detail, along with correct storage.

Our creative and intuitive process will be highlighted by creating our plant design using gathered plants from around the gardens. This activity will help build our plant identification and connection through slow observation.

Our plant tending will focus on soil care and mulching techniques. These get to be very important as the hot summer weather takes over.

We’ll hold class on July 7th at Sacred Sun Farm’s herb gardens from 9am - 1pm. Once you sign up, we’ll send you an email with contact and preparation info for the class and what to expect.

We look forward to seeing you on the farm!

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