June Class

June Class


In June we’ll be getting to know California Poppy, Milky Oats, Yarrow as we observe them growing in the fields.

We’ll talk about different kinds of herbalism, and how preparations might differ depending on your methods. By making Tinctures in Alcohol and Glycerin, we’ll be able to see those differences in action.

Dying with Flowers grown on the farm will help hone our intuitive and creative skills, while also helping us with identification of plants in the garden.

Our plant care focus will be on transplanting and/or potting up skills. We’ll learn about what space different herbs need and fertility use.

We’ll hold class on June 9th at Sacred Sun Farm’s herb gardens from 9am - 1pm. Once you sign up, we’ll send you an email with contact and preparation info for the class and what to expect.

We look forward to seeing you on the farm!

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